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Self Portrait Painting 1: Color of Self
Instruction: Ilya Gefter

Language: Hebrew


5 video - lessons.  6.5 hours of instruction.


This self-portrait painting workshop will teach you the methods of attaining correct proportions, likeness, three-dimentionality, sense of light and naturalistic color. The workshop examines in detail the use of traditional limitted palette and its relationship to observation.  


The workshop videos include:



Painting demonstrations

Thorough explanations of the strategies and techniques of self-portrait painting.  


Themes covered in the workshop:


Analysis of self-portrait paintings by great masters 

Setting up for self-portrait painting

Foundations of linear and tonal drawing as a preparation for work in color

Color theory for portrait painting

Use of a traditional limited palette of 4 and 5 colors. 

Construction of the portrait with color shapes. 

Strategies of progressing from large color shapes to smaller, complex shapes expressing facial detail.

Fundamentals of self expression.


Self Portrait Painting 1: Color of Self / with Ilya Gefter

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