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Textures and Surfaces

Painting Materials and Techniques

Instruction: Ilya Gefter

Thursdays 18.15 - 22.00 // May 23 - June 13 // 4 sessions
Workshop for all levels


The quality of textures and brushwork is the juiciest aspect of oil painting. This issue is at once technical, intuitive and mysterious. The workshop offers a thorough knowledge of painting materials and exposes the techniques of their application. We will explore a variety of painting supports, mediums, brushes and a phenomenal range of paint textures.


Welcome to join us to acquire a thorough technical knowledge, advance the sensitivity for paint application and enjoy experimentation!


Workshop Themes:

Painting supports

Stretching a canvas

Gesso Applications

Methods of canvas preparation

Methods of paint application

Brushes and brushwork

Interaction of paint layers

Texture variations


Workshop Fee:

1,550 ILS


* Materials included in the fee: canvases, gessoes, mediums and more.
You will need to bring your basic painting supplies.
List will be sent upon registration. 

Textures and Surfaces - Materials and Techniques / with Ilya Gefter


    Sundays 10.00 - 14.00

    Sundays 18.00 - 22.00 

    Mondays 10:00 - 14:00

    Mondays 18.00 - 22.00




    Ben Zvi 84, Floor 3, Studio 304

    Whatsapp/SMS: 053-7252342

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